Sunday, February 28, 2010

Biking with a Pirate. .arghhh

You have to appreciate the almost five year old that will endure their mother being on a stationary bike in the middle of the family room while recorded American Idol takes over the television (the only show we could agree on at the moment) for two hours.

Of course, this is where the pirate comes in because only another mom may understand sweating through your clothes while trying to fit in a workout and talking with your child while they play out their pirate fantasy with their sword and try to "cut your head off". Ah multi-tasking. Always an adventure.

The Ironman training program I am using said to put myself into extreme situations as much as possible to prepare myself for whatever conditions on race day. Somehow, I don't think this is what they meant.

Friday, February 26, 2010


Chest colds and attempting to train does not a pretty picture make. The entire training "plan" is a spec in the distance this week. Any increase in my heart rate results in a cough that creates an earthquake of epic proportions to my core. The one attempt at working out resulted in others at the gym casting a frightened sideways glance as they walked quickly in the other direction. Imagine their reaction if they saw what I am coughing up. . .awesome. Go away phlegm. I have a race to train for.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

In the Beginning

I started like any sane person would. I poured a glass of wine and began looking up beginner training plans and "close" ironman races online. I found a good plan at (the link is provided below). I knew the plan I was looking at was 1.)A 20 week plan and that 2.) I had 38 weeks due to choosing an August 29th race. Jackpot. Since my main issue would be time management I was feeling positive about TIME.

Ahh time. My nemesis. The Joker to my batman, the Gargamel to my smurf, the dairy to my complexion. I am 33, full time intervention specialist, union representative for my building, department chair, single-mom, girlfriend, x-wife, sister, aunt, daughter and friend. AND I tutor for some extra cash one day per week. On most given days I have way too many balls in my air for what my anxiety level can handle, so why not add training for an ironman;)

I had to take each week of training and manipulate it to fit into MY week. Thank goodness for starting early because I would never be able to manage this if I really had the pressure of fitting it all in within a 20 week time period.

If you are thinking about getting into triathlons/sprint triathlons take a look at this website. It has helpful articles that can get you started. Don't ever think you are locked into a training program exactly as it is presented.

How I got here

I have a life list. Most of us do these days whether it's typed and saved in a file, scrawled on scratch paper or simply a list in our head. Mine includes some of the same as what many of us would hope for and some not so much: be a good mom, sister, daughter, friend; travel to New Zealand, skydive, blah blah blah. . IRONMAN.

Before I became a mom, marathon and triatholon were on my life list. Looking back, this was more because I was sick of working out to stay or be thin. I wanted a fitness goal that didn't base my success on a number on a scale or the inside of a pair of new pants. Then I became addicted to that feeling of success. Believe me, I wasn't breaking any official records, but I was making and breaking my own by finishing.

In 2002, Mr. Marathon bit me on the ass. A random day in July I decided, "Hey! I am going to run a marathon." (So says the social smoker and weekend booze hound.) I set out on my usual three mile walking route and was determined to run the entire thing. It took me 33 minutes. Two months later I was arranging long runs around OSU tailgating and happy hours.

Eight years go by. . one marathon, six half marathons, two sprint triatholons, full-time career, daughter and a divorce later and I'm training for Ironman.

Two months in, six to go.