Thursday, April 22, 2010

Things that Make Me Move

After watching Glee this week, I might say Madonna in response to this statement, but in this post when I say "move" I don't mean gyrating on stage while wearing a cone bra proudly. That's for Saturday night;)

I am referring to what inspires me to show my appreciation for a healthy body that is physically capable. Every time I want to complain about being tired or sore I remind myself of Erin, my friend with Rheumatoid Arthritis who was diagnosed as a college student in her early 20s. Erin, who once told me she wishes she could run in response to my complaint of sore legs. Erin, who went off her daily shots and medication for two years in hopes of conceiving, carrying and birthing a beautiful, healthy baby. (Elizabeth was born this past January :) I remind myself of Derek, my student with Muscular Dystrophy who, as a freshman in high school, has beat the odds with his current level of mobility. Derek, who is a straight "A" student in honors classes and never complains about all the writing in his homework while I watch him struggle through it and know that, someday soon, he will no longer have this option. I remind myself of Mike. Mike, who after a lifetime of surgeries on both feet and pain, made the gutsy call to amputate his right leg below the knee this past March, so he COULD run. Carpe Diem Mike!

This is how I move. Thinking of those who make me feel like a wuss because, if they were given the chance knowing what they know, they would take it and run with it. They would move. .so I do.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Frogger, Drowning and Other Hazards

Let's visit some daily issues. .

Hazard 1: Revisiting Frogger. Back roads and city streets can be dangerous. Especially when you are a highschool teacher and the area you are running in begs for drive bys of students after their practices/extra curriculars in which they think it's funny to honk the horn, scaring the shit out of you, or yell something you can't quite make out, but are sure would earn them a detention. Thank God the kids in that school actually LIKE me, otherwise, I may find myself ditch diving on a daily basis.

Hazard 2: Think the sweatiest person you have ever seen, add another bucket of sweat, and you may have an image of what I look like during/after a workout. Seriously, ring out my clothes after a workout and you could provide enough fluid for a small village to never go thirsty again. This is what I looked like when I walked back into the YMCA, saw a student and he did a double take saying, "Ms. Christian? Oh, hi." Oh well, not nearly as bad as changing my clothes in front of our entire girl's swim team while training during swim season...a story for another day perhaps.

Hazard 3: Shrek feet. Or at least what I would imagine them to look like. I have never had pretty feet because I have always been a runner, which has lead to two toe nails falling off and five blood blisters under toe nails that need to be drained in order to NOT lose another toe nail...this is a whole new low though. I need intervention soon or flip flops will not be in my future. .boo

Hazard 4: Cramping. Cramping in my foot while swimming that caused my life to flash before my eyes as I came up out of my stroke, inhaled a considerable amount of water, began to cough while trying to grab said foot without my head going back underwater while making my way back to the wall. But, hey, as long as it doesn't make the lifegaurds feel obligated to GET UP OUT OF THEIR CHAIRS AND WIPE THE DAZED LOOK OFF THEIR FACES then I am just glad to give them a good laugh :)
Wow! Glad I didn't put you out there ladies.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Anxiety Dragging Me Down

Running has always put me in a peaceful state. It's my church most days. Bad day? Run. Good day? Run. Need to connect with my spiritual side? Run.

As I have progressed into training my runs have become work. Instead of that free feeling I usually get after a mile I feel heavy. I am running through mud and there's a weight on my shoulders. What do I do about this or that problem at work? How do I fit this friend's event in when I am stretched so thin? How do I keep being available emotionally and physically for the people I love? Am I neglecting my daughter, my family, my friends, my job, my grocery shopping? How do I pay for all of this "stuff" that I need to be successful in this race?

Today, I think I figured it out. I just have to let it go. I found my way back. I ran and I chose not to tell myself I HAVE to be at a certain pace. I just RAN. I focused on the air and sunshine. I focused on a realistic idea of what I could get done in a day. I focused on the fact that I still have five months. FIVE! I remembered that I have amazing people in my life who support me (or at least tolerate me) and will help me get this done. I am lucky.

Ironwoman ON...I'm back