Thursday, September 2, 2010


I was speaking with a couple co-workers about my upcoming 140.6 mile journey. One thing never changes. Most of these people who ask me about the race react with, "I could never do that." I should at least give them credit for not saying the usual, "I would do an Ironman, but....."(fill in the excuse here).

I usually respond in the same way.

I truly believe that most people are physically capable of completing this distance race. Anyone who makes the DECISION to train for and complete this race and makes the DECISION to complete their workouts everyday and makes the DECISION to learn about nutrition and apply that knowledge CAN do this. That doesn't mean it's easy. If it were easy it wouldn't be as special. We have to decide who we want to be every day.

Are you the person who sets a goal, gets tired, makes excuses and gives up? OR, are you the person who sets a goal, gets tired and continues to do the work despite the obstacles?

You, we, just have to decide.

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME!!! Keep it up, almost there! You're a beast!!! Just think how good that beer will taste! I'm cheering for you!
