Saturday, September 11, 2010

It Takes a Village....

Here I am in Huron watching the sunrise. Twenty four hours and four minutes from now I will begin my race. I am calm and, in ten minutes, I am headed to the race sight to take a dip in Lake Erie for a very strict time of 20 minutes.

Since December I have asked so much from so many people and I am truly grateful for all the time and equipment friends, family and strangers have donated. My sister has babysat to the point that Katie has come to expect that every other Friday night is a sleepover, which includes Mommy, at Aunt Jens and an early Saturday morning bonding session with cousins that usually lasts into the early afternoon. Katie's dad, Matt, has switched our schedule around without batting an eye. Drew has given up Saturday morning sleep sessions and girlfriends have played Wii with Katie, so I can fit in a two to three hour bike session all for the price of dinner. A teammate has lent me a bike (huge deal in the biking community...HUGE). A teammate has given up an hour of his time after a long day of work to walk me through changing a tire over and over. Needless to say, I had some serious help from my "village".

This has been my most valuable lesson since December. I have never been good at counting on others. This is my lesson that I will take with me forever. My other "medal" I earn this weekend. I can ask for help and, because I love these people and I care about helping them as well, I can count on my village to help me.

Seems simple, but a milestone for me.

Off to swim!

1 comment:

  1. It really feels good to have good people around you. In return we must cherish their kindness and care.

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